Rotes Antiquariat
Rungestraße 20
10179 Berlin
Tel. 030-27 59 35 00
Deutsch | English

Knepler, Georg:

5 [Five] Years of the Austrian Centre.

Free Austrain Books, Austrian Centre, London., [1944].
13 S., 8°, illustr. Orig.-Broschur. [Umschlaggestaltung von F(ranz) Pixner].


Engl. - Zu den Leitlinien des Austrian Centre schreibt Knepler: ´We have often grouped the aims of the Austrian Centre under these four headings: To organise the Austrians in the fight against Hitler. To promote friendship between the British and Austrian people. To foster the cultural and social life of the Austrians in this country. To provide help, support and advice for Austrians.´ - Innenteil mit Illustrationen. - Expl. geklammert, Umschlagvorderseite mit kleinerem Einriss und gestempelt, sonst guter Zustand.

EUR 75,00

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