Rotes Antiquariat
Rungestraße 20
10179 Berlin
Tel. 030-27 59 35 00
Deutsch | English

Parr, Martin (Coll.):

45 Postcards.

Phaidon, London., 2003.
Unpag., Quer-8°, Orig.-Karton.


Erste Auflage. - 45 Postkarten (19 x 13cm). - Farb. u. Schwarz-Weiß Photographien. - ´A selection of forty-five postcards from Martin Parr?s highly successful retrospective book published by Phaidon. Parr is a major photographer who bridges the gap between art and photojournalism; his provocative work is widely known throughout Europe and the United States. This selection includes some of the most amusing and ironic images from Parr?s entire career, in a range of colour and black-and-white photographs, and are presented in a specially created box that mirrors the design of the original book.´ (Klappentext.) - Mont. Einabnd löst sich minimal, sonst gut erhalten.

EUR 43,00

(inkl. der jeweils gültigen gesetzlichen Mwst)
Rotes Antiquariat C. Bartsch, Rungestr. 20, 10179 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 - 27 59 35 00, Fax: +49 (0) 30 - 27 59 35 02
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